Rabu, 08 Juni 2011

English Take Home Task CLASS X

Last Take Home Task

Once upon a time there was a wife of a rich man fell sick, and soon she closed her eyes and departed. Everyday, Cinderella went out to her mother’s grave, and wept, and she remained pious and good .When winter came the snow spread a white sheet over the grave, and By the time the spring sun had drawn it off again, the man had taken another wife. The woman had brought with her into the house two daughters, who were beautiful and fai of face but vile and black of heart . Since then a bad time for the poor step-child began.
One day the King gave oders for a festival and all the beautiful young girls in the country were invited, in order that his son might choose himself a bride.When the two step-sisters heard that they were to appear among the number, they were delighted, called Cinderella and made to help them grooming, Cinderella obeyed, but wept, because she too would have liked to go with them to dance, and begged her step-mother said” you cannot go with us, you have no clothes and cannot dance.
When the step-mother and her daughters had gone away, Cinderella went to her mother’s grave and cried, Shiver and Quiver, My little tree, silver and gold throw down over me.” Suddenly a bird trew down a magnificent gold and silver dress to her,and were golden too. At the party her step-sister and the step-mother however did not recognize her, and thought she must be a foreign princess, for she looked so beautiful in the golden dress.

1.The story above tells about

2. The first paragraph is the………… of the story

3. Why does Cinderella’s mother dead ? Because she………
4. The genre of the text is…….

5. When the winter came,the snow……

6. Cinderella lived with her…

7. The last story called……..

8. Orientation of the story means……

9. The purpose of the author to write the story is…..

10. The last story called……..

Choose the correct pronoun and past tobe
11. Julie fell off her bicycle and broke ….. arm

12. Adam and Amanda are married ……..live in an apartment buiding.

13. We live in the same building …… apartment has one bedroom.

14.Diana : “…………. You at home last night ?
David : “ Yes, I………. at home accompanied my mother. “

15.The students……… their teacher in his house yesterday

16.Mr. William promised to give the charity to the orphans. The sentence into negative sentence ?

17.Bob reached the top of the mountain in the morning, If on underlined words is the answer, make it questions !

Gaby : Where __(18)__ you yesterday?
Pita : I (19) at the zoo.
Gaby : (20) you enjoy it?
Pita : Yes, but the weather (21) very hot. I tried to stay out of the sun. Most of the animals (22) in their houses or in the shade. The sun (23) too hot for them, too. They (24) not want to be outside in the hot sun.

Choose the suitable expression

25. The formal expressions of thanking is…

26. The respon for thanking is…except

27. I really like your new mobilephone. This is the expression of...

28. The expression of returing compliment is….

29. The expressing disbelief is..except

30. The expressing surprise is..except

mention and describe the organization text of narrative:

Write down a sentences based the use of:
noun phrases :

adverbial phrases of time:

Jumat, 27 Mei 2011

Menu Utama Adobe Title Designer

Dalam Adobe Premiere Pro, Anda memiliki kemampuan untuk merancang judul kompleks dengan Adobe Title Designer. Anda dapat menambahkan berbagai atribut untuk judul, menggunakan berbagai template untuk merancang judul, bebas memanipulasi bentuk dalam judul, dan menciptakan gaya kustom yang Anda dapat menyimpan dan menggunakan dengan dokumen judul lainnya.

Adobe Title Designer jendela utama
A. Sync Untuk Timeline timecode tombol
B. Kirim Frame Untuk Eksternal Monitor tombol
C. alat Seleksi (kiri), alat rotasi (kanan)
D. Type tool (kiri), alat jenis vertikal (kanan)
E. horizontal area jenis alat (kiri), alat vertikal jenis area (kanan)
F. Path jenis alat alat
G.Pen (kiri), tambahkan anchor point tool (kanan)
H. Hapus anchor point tool (kiri), mengkonversi alat jangkar titik (kanan)
I. alat Persegi Panjang (kiri), dipotong-sudut persegi panjang tool (kanan)
J.sudut persegi panjang alat bulat (kiri), bulat rectangle tool (kanan)
K. Wedge alat (kiri), alat busur (kanan)
L. Ellipse tool (kiri), line tool (kanan)
M. Gaya Baru tombol
N. tombol Hapus Gaya

Title Type
Object Styles

Menggunakan Adobe Title Designer

Menggunakan Designer Judul Premiere
Premiere's Designer Judul adalah sebuah utilitas yang memungkinkan Anda untuk membuat judul teks sederhana untuk digunakan dalam proyek Premiere.
Untuk membuka Designer Judul, pilih File> New> Judul, atau F9 pada keyboard Anda. Judul jendela muncul sebagaimana gambar berikut ini.

Secara default, latar belakang komposisi luas judul menampilkan frame dalam timeline (yaitu posisi scrubber). Hal ini memungkinkan Anda untuk melihat video di bawah judul saat Anda membuatnya. Anda juga dapat memilih frame yang berbeda untuk referensi jika Anda suka.
The komposisi luas judul juga menunjukkan kondisi wilayah yang aman - area televisi yang aman (persegi panjang luar) dan daerah judul aman (persegi panjang dalam). Untuk hasil terbaik buku Anda harus sesuai dengan judul dalam kawasan aman.
Untuk menambahkan teks, pastikan alat teks yang dipilih. Klik di komposisi luas judul dan masukkan teks Anda.
Untuk mengubah gaya font dan atribut lainnya, gunakan menu Style Objek di sebelah kanan jendela.
•Cukup font berat bekerja paling baik untuk televisi dan video. Font dengan garis-garis halus lebih sulit untuk membaca dan cenderung untuk berkedip.
•Anda mungkin ingin menambahkan stroke (perbatasan) dan / atau drop-bayangan untuk teks. Hal ini membuat teks lebih mudah dibaca terhadap latar belakang.
Bila Anda telah selesai memasukkan teks, Anda dapat memilih perangkat bergerak dan reposisi judul. Anda juga dapat klik kanan teks dan pilih Alignuntuk pilihan posisi yang lebih.
Jika Anda menggunakan Premiere Pro 1.5 atau sebelumnya, Anda akan perlu untuk menyimpan file (File> Save). Biasanya Anda akan menyimpan file di tempat yang sama dengan sisa file proyek Anda, namun Anda dapat menyimpan di mana saja Anda suka. judul Premiere disimpan dengan ekstensi. PTL (versi 6.5 dan sebelumnya) atau. prtl (Premiere Pro).
Jika Anda menggunakan Premiere Pro 2.0 atau yang lebih baru, judul akan disimpan sebagai bagian dari file proyek.
Setelah file telah disimpan akan muncul di jendela proyek sebagai item baru.

Final Examination (XI-SMKKB/june2011/TakeHome)

Text 1

A young student was walking in the woods when he heard a small voice calling him. He looked all around, but could not see anyone. The voice called out again, and appeared to come from the roots of an enormous oak tree. There, the student found a bottle, in which there was a tiny man who begged, “Let me out”.
So the student removed the cork, and a cloud of smoke emerged and grew into a frightening giant.
“I am a genie,” said the giant, and I was imprisoned in the bottle by magician. But now that I am freed, prepare to meet your end”.
“Wait a minute,” said the young man. I don’t believe one word you have said. A giant of your size could not have really come out of that little bottle. You could never forget into it”.
“Of course I can,” said the genie, “I’ll prove it to you”. As soon as the genie returned to the bottle, the young man replaced the cork. The next time, in order to get free, the spirit had to make a bargain with the student: not only would it refrain from killing him, but it had also to give him a dagger which turned into gold everything it touched, and healed all wounds. And afterwards, thanks to that magic dagger, the student became a rich and famous doctor

1. The type of the text above is ….
2. The characters in the text above are ….

3. The story takes place in ….

4. The word ‘I’ in: “I don’t believe on word …”
     (Paragraph 4) refer to ….

5. The resolution of the text is….

Grammar focus (based on the text)

1.    The use of noun phrases is

7. A young student was walking in the woods
   The underline word is phrases of…

8. The use simple past tense is

9. The student removed the cork.
    The underline word is phrases of…

10. The use of adjectives phrases is…

Complete with suitable to be and Forms

11. He …… at home yesterday. He didn’t go to school.

12. They …….. at school on Monday. They went on an   excursion that day.

13. She……outside because it was rain.

14. We …… at the show and had a good time.

15. Where ……. you at 7 p.m. yesterday?.

The Lion (to be)  16  so tickled at the idea of the Mouse being able to help him, that he (lift)  17  up his paw and (let)  18   him go. Sometime after the Lion (to be catch)  19   in a trap, and the hunters, who (desire)   20  to carry him alive to the king,

16. a. is              b. was          c. wasn’t              d. were
17. a. lifts          b. lifted        c. lifting               d. lifters
18. a. lets          b. letting      c. let                    d. is let
19. a. catch      b. is catch    c. catches         d. was caught
20. a. desires      b. desired     c. desiring     d. is desired
Choose with suitable expressions
21. The following is expression of "love".

22. My ………….queen, Dewy .I do like you.

23. My girl fists me right on my face in front of the class.

24. My boy, Kiki went out with other girls.

25. The formal anger expression is…

Text 2
Early Shopping
It was holiday season and the judge was in a merry mood as he asked the prisoner, "What are you charged with?"
"Doing my shopping early," relied the defendant.
"That's no offense," said the joggle. "How early were you doing this dropping?'.
"Before the store opened," countered the prisoner.
(Taken horn C'NS, English Teen Magazine Vol.4  No. 26)

26.Where does the above take place?

27. That's no ‘offense’.... (line  4)
The word printed in bold means ...

28. How does the writer make the scene funny?
29. The text tells an event with a humorous twist is…

30. Part of the spoof provides the funniest part of
       the story is..

Elemen elemen Utama AdobePremierPro

Jendela Project :  Tempat  menampilkan  informasi  file  proyek  aktif  dari  pekerjaan  pengeditan video yang tengah dilaksanakan. Juga tempat menyimpan clip-clip hasil impor  untuk penggunan pengeditan. Selain itu efek video dan audio juga kita simpan di jendela ini.

Jendela Monitor : Jendela untuk menampilkan clip-clip video dan draft pengeditan yang  tengah dilaksanakan.

Jendela Timeline: Area  Kerja  dalam  pengeditan  video  dengan menyusun  clip-clip  video  untuk membentuk sebua rangkaian video final.

Toolbar : Tombol/shortcut fungsi dalam melakukan pengeditan video

Palet : Jendela tambahan untuk mengetahui yang sedang dilaksanakan

Kamis, 10 Maret 2011


Hari/Tgl : Jumat 10 Maret 2011
Kelas : X multimedia
Nama : ..............
NIS : ..............

Motion Picture Video Editing

Buatlah ''Klip Iklan-Informasi'' dengan menggunakan ''still image'',dengan ketentuan sbb:

TITLES :...............................

PROJECT DESCRIPTION :...............................

THEME : ...........
: LOVE (random choosen)


TEXT : ARTICLES/NEWS/BOOK etc (based on your point of view)

IMAGE : .................
AUDIO : .................
TEXT : .................

SOFTWARE : SONY FOUNDRY VEGAS 4.0 or higher version


Kamis, 03 Maret 2011

Creating Text and Titles

Most video projects include titles and credits. There are several ways to add text to your project: you can use the included plug-ins for static text and scrolling credits, or  you can use an external image-editing program to create images with text on them.

What do you want to do?

·   From the View menu, choose Media Generators to display the Media Generators window.
·   In the left pane, select the Text plug-in. The available presets are displayed in the right pane.
·   Drag a preset to a position on the timeline to create a generated media event.
·   Use the Text plug-in controls to edit the appearance of your text.
·   From the View menu, choose Media Generators to display the Media Generators window.
·   In the left pane, select the Credit Roll plug-in. The available presets are displayed in the right pane.
·   Drag a preset to a position on the timeline to create a generated media event.
·   Use the Credit Roll plug-in controls to edit the appearance of your text.

·      Text Media Generator

Ø  The Edit tab                 : the controls at the top to adjust the font, font size, bold/italic, and alignment properties for the text.

Ø  The Placement tab       : a placement from the drop-down list, enter X,Y coordinates to specify the center of the text, or drag the text box to determine text placement.

Ø  The Properties tab        : the Properties tab to specify the color of your text, the color of the text background, and the spacing between characters and lines.

Ø  The Effect tab               : the Effects tab to apply special effects such as outlines, shadows, and deformation to your text.Title images can be created in almost any editing program. The following general procedure explains how to create titles with a transparent background.
Ø  Start your image-editing application.
Ø  Create a new image and set the dimensions of the new image to be the same as the frame size for the project.
Ø  Make the default canvas (background) color a solid color. The background will be transparent in the final image, so any solid color will work.
Ø  Select the Text tool and enter the text for your title in the text box.
Ø  Save the file as a PNG or TGA file (PNG is recommended). Make sure that you save the alpha channel information, which will be used for transparency.
Ø  Add the image as an event to the track above the track containing the background.
Ø  Click the Compositing Mode button to set the title track to Source Alpha (default) if your image has an alpha channel associated with it. If it does not, you can use the Chroma Keyer filter to the image and key out the background.
Ø  If your title is saved as a TGA image, the alpha channel may not be detected automatically. Use the Media Properties dialog and choose a new setting from the Alpha channel drop-down list.

·      Text  3D compositing  ( mengatur gerak atau rotasi posisi X,Y Z sesuai ukuran dan jarak pandang)